Programme 2022

FRIDAY, November 4th 2022 | KŘIŽÍK C

12:10 – 13:00 | Visual Identity of the Performer

I’ve got a band, a record, a gig lined up. How to wrap it all up so that my work is attractive not only in sound and idea, but also in look? At the workshop we will introduce the trends of visual identity – covers, packaging, look.

Panelists: Lýdie Vyčítalová (Megaton Fashion), Daniel Kurz (KHDK), Milan Kukulský (Vypsaná fiXa)

15:10 – 16:00 | How to create a quality recording at home – workshop

Pavel Kučera will focus on how to create a quality recording at home. He will explain how to create a backing track or how to simulate live instruments so that they are indistinguishable from the real thing. A workshop aimed at musicians, composers and enthusiastic creators.

Leads: Pavel Kučera (DAW Courses)

16:20 – 17:20 | How to make nice sound and light in a club and low energy – workshop

Workshop for promoters who want to have nice sound and lights in their space without spending a lot of money on energy. New trends in club space technology.

Led by: Martin Kalenda (BaSys)


FRIDAY, November 4th 2022 | KŘIŽÍK D

14:00 – 15:00 | Ministry of Culture and Music

Martin Baxa, Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic, will present his vision for the music sector. What are the current opportunities that the Ministry of Culture offers to promoters and artists.

Panelists: Martin Baxa (Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic), Tereza Raabová (CULTURE MATTERS), Martin Kozumplík (BACH, Fullmoon), Michal Thomes (FESTAS), moderated by Mario Kubas

15:10 – 16:00 | Current challenges and the future of ticketing (EN)

News in the field of cashless and ticketing. Panel for festival and club event organizers. What possibilities and advantages does the cashless system bring for organizers? This will be answered by representatives of ticketing companies and cashless operators. Visitors will be able to try out the NFCtron system directly at Nouvelle Prague.

Panelists: Ben Simpson (Easol), Áron Farkas (TicektSwap), Jan Šimek (NFCtron), Lukáš Jandač (GoOut), moderated by Zdeněk Souček

16:10 – 17:00 | Clubs – local music hotspots

Almost every city in the Czech Republic has a space where concerts take place. Clubs, cultural houses or halls. They are important pillars of the music sector. What is the vision of the newly formed club association? How are larger and smaller spaces experiencing the current events and what is the outlook for the future? We will talk about this with representatives of the organisers.

Panelists: Marek Lakomý (Meet Factory), Marcel Palovčík (Klub Barrák), Josef Kašpar (Festival Přeštěnice)


SATURDAY, November 5th | KŘIŽÍK C

11:00 – 11:30 | How to watch your money? – Introducing digital platforms for collective managers – workshop

Are you an artist or a music producer, do you receive royalties from collecting societies and do you want to find out what you are or are not receiving money for? Representatives from OSA and INTERGRAM will present their digital platforms designed just for you. We will look at the demo versions of the billing and the principle of how collective management works and for whom.

Roman Strejček (OSA), Adam Dvořák (Intergram)

11:30 – 12:00 | Creative Europe – presentation of current challenges

Viktor Debnár from IDU will present the current challenges in the Creative Europe programme.

12:10 – 13:00 | Collective administrators and organizers

Is it necessary to submit playlists nowadays? Who does the money from collective managers go to and what role do they play in the ecosystem of the music sector? Can the system of royalty payments be modified and if so, how? We will look for answers together with representatives of clubs, festivals and collecting societies.

Roman Strejček (OSA), Marek Lakomý, Marek Vohralík (Beatworyx, FESTAS), Jan Vávra (Songwriting CZ)

14:00 – 15:00 | Labels and their role today

This discussion will shed light on the role of labels in today’s world. What they offer to artists and who is better suited to be independent and who, on the other hand, appreciates the services of majors. We will touch on artist promotion, music distribution, how it is abroad and what to expect from domestic labels.


15:10 – 16:00 | Venues – current trends, possibilities

Panelists: Tomáš Hübl (Výstaviště Praha)

16:10 – 17:00 | How to use social networks and video content – workshop

Workshop for managers, artists and anyone who wants to get their music to as many listeners as possible. Practical demonstrations and tips for maximum reach.

Led by: Miloš Blaháček (Digiton Agency), Adam Kraus

17:10 – 18:00 | Festival season 2022 through the eyes of suppliers

SATURDAY, November 5th | KŘIŽÍK D

11:10 – 12:00 | Youtube Music – workshop

Leader: Petr Houzar (YouTube)

12:10 – 13:00 | Music sector, gaming, film, advertising  

The penetration of the music sector into all other cultural sectors is a great economic opportunity for the Czech music sector. Film, gaming, advertising – all these sectors need music. We will reveal what relationships work between these sectors, how important it is to produce quality film or gaming music, and where to go to create for these fast-growing industries.

Panelists: Vratislav Šlajer (APA), Adam Šporka (Game Music Designer), Alexandr Smutný (Soundsgate), Petr Wajsar (skladatel)

14:00 – 15:00 | Band Agents vs. Promoters – needs, opportunities, communication

Agents and managers in a lively discussion about the opportunities in which they can accommodate each other, but also the needs that need to be worked on. What facilities and conditions can the promoters provide for the bands and performers, what is really necessary and where the managers could, on the contrary, make concessions.

Panelists:Petr Blažek (Noisy Pots / MMF), Michal Rolčík (Movebreakers ), Martina Jablanovská (Votvírák), moderuje Marek Vohralík (Beatworx)

15:10 – 16:00 | Promoters and reflections on the 2022 summer season

After years when cultural events were crushed by anti-covid measures, concerts and cultural events were once again held without restrictions. What changes have occurred as a result of two years of restrictions? Has the cultural industry been able to kick-start at 100%? We will talk about this with organizers from abroad and the Czech Republic.

Panelists: Jana Recmaníková (Festival Republic UK), Robert Porkert (Live Nation), Zdeněk Souček (Let It Roll)